Monday, October 26, 2009

Shoes worn out in service to the Lord!
August 23, 2009. The Branch held a Welfare Evening. President and Sister Nielsen did a workshop on cooking with wheat. Howard made his famous wheat pancakes, which were the big hit of the evening. We served cracked wheat cereal, popped wheat, wheat sprouts, homemade syrup and homemade brown sugar. There were workshops on finance, education, employment, spiritual, emotional and mental health preparedness. We enjoyed a demonstration on 72 hour kits and a pot luck dinner of dishes we prepared from food storage. It was a great evening.
On August 17 the Wangaratta District met in Beechworth. Here is our District Leader, Elder Kahaiali'i beside a statue of Ned Kelly, infamous Australian outlaw. "Such is Life" were Ned Kelly's last words. The rest of us only came up to the bottom of Neds' sleeve. Elder Kahaiali'i will be returning to the BYU football team after his mission.
Just south of Beechworth is a place called Flat Rock. This is the beautiful view looking west.

Our guides took us to a lovely little cafe where we were treated to some "European Hot Chocolate," so rich and delicious we had to eat it with a spoon!

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